
send us basic information about your car’s engine:

  1. engine type: N43/N53
  2. mileage
  3. short description of the problem

Note: INPA loader 2.023 required. You can download INPA loader 2.023 here.

  1. warm-up engine till working temperature* (at least 90 oC, can be monitored at: ../F5/F2/F6 using INPA),
  2. drive at least a few km with a speed of at least 20km/h,
  3. stop the car (don’t switch off the engine) and make the following screenshots at idle.


  1. ../F4/F1/F1 [errors, basic information, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
  2. ../F4/F1/F3 [errors, detailed information, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
  3. ../F4/F2/F1 [Info list, basic information, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
  4. ../F4/F2/F3 [Info list, detailed information, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
  5. ../F4/F3/F1 [errors, history memory, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
  6.  ../F5/F4 [VANOS]
  7.  ..F5/F5/F2 and ../F5/F5/F3 [IBS/Battery data]
  8. ../F5/F2/F6 [basic parameters of engine]
  9. ../F5/F6 [fuel mixture, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
  10. ../F5/F7 [rough run menu]
  11. ../F5/Shift+F2/F1 [NOx sensor’s menu]
  12. ../F5/Shift+F6/F1 [injector’s activation]
  13. ../F5/Shift+F6/F2 [injector’s learnbits]
  14. ../F5/Shift+F6/F3 [injector’s flowrate measurements for low/high load for Homogeneous mode, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
  15. ../F5/Shift+F6/F4 [bank’s additional correction via temperature]
  16. ../F5/Shift+F6/F5 [injector’s flowrate measurements at idle and partial load for Stratified charge + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
  17. ../F9/Shift+F3/F1 [NOx converter menu]
  18. ../F9/Shift+F4 [injector’s coding data, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]

Switch off engine, then turn on again, wait at least 30 seconds (don’t press accelerator pedal)**

19. ../F5/F6 [fuel mixture, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]

20. ../F5/F7 [rough run menu]

21. make the video of a cold start as described here


*temperature of the engine:

**guaranteed Homogeneous injection mode