Encoding NOx catalytic converter replacement, using ISTA D
- Start new session in ISTA D, perform the identification of vehicle and a test:
2. open menu Vehicle management:
3. open menu Service function:
4. open sub-menu Power train, press Start search:
5. open sub-menu Engine Electronics:
6. open sub-menu Nitrogen oxide catalytic converter:
7. choose the option Exchange nitrogen oxide catalytic converter, press Start Search:
8. choose the option Nitrogen oxide catalytic converter: Replacement, press Display:
9. open sub-menu Replacing the nitrogen oxide catalytic converter:
10. choose the option Replacing the nitrogen oxide catalytic converter, follow the directions of ISTA D (confirm deleting of adaptations and encoding of new NOx catalytic converter):
Follow the instructions very carefully! ISTA D don’t displays any notifications, if the adapatations are not finished successfuly. If deleting of adaptations was successful, you will see notice “adaptation process is finished”. If ISTA D does not displays notice “adaptation process is finished” after the attempt to delete the adaptations, repeat the procedure once again.