Activating of forced desulfation session of NOx catalytic converter, using ISTA D/+
- Start a new session with ISTA D/+, perform the identification of the vehicle and a test:
2. open menu Vehicle management:
3. open menu Service function:
4. open sub-menu Power train, press Start search:
5. open sub-menu Engine Electronics:
6. open sub-menu Nitrogen oxide catalytic converter:
7. choose the option Nitrogen oxide catalytic converter regeneration, press Start Search:
Follow instructions on screen.
8. Fill up at least 1/2 of the fuel tank
9. Select Vehicle information/Control unit tree
10. Select DME; press Call up ECU functions
11. Select Diagnosis scan; press N53: engie operating values
12. Select from the list:
a) Display, operating mode
b) exhaust-gas temperature
c) signal, Oxygen sensor before catalytic converter (bank 1 or 2)
d) Sulphur saturation, lean NOx cat
13. Press Read status
14. Drive your car with a speed at least 110 km/h at least 20..30 minutes
15. During Desulfation session monitor the parameters selected above. If Desulfation session begins:
a) temperature of the exhaust will reach 600 oC
b) injection mode will remain Homogeneous and the voltage of the Lambda probe will drop below 1.90 V
c) poisoning value will slowly decrease
16. Desulfation session is successfully finished if remaining poisoning is less than 25..30 % of the initial value.