MSD87 DME was used for F series vehicles with N53/N54 series engines.


Main menu

For MSD87 diagnostics the Loader Version 3.700 was used.

The basic menu is the same as for MSD80 (I assume, that you are familiar with the diagnostics of MSV70/80/MSD80), I will only give information regarding differences. If you are looking for basic info regarding diagnostics with INPA, check the entries of my blog regarding MSD80 diagnostics.

../F1; ../F2; ../F3 menu contains basic information regarding loader itself and DME identification data, there is practically no difference from MSD80.

../F4 – the error message memory. For MSD87 this section is heavily simplified. Only two lists are available:
a) the actual memory;
b) the historical memory.
Each of lists has two options: reading of the error messages (../F4/F1; ../F4/F3) and deleting of the error messages (../F4/F2; ../F4/F4).
The recording of the error message is analog of Bosch DME. For example:

The amount of decrypted data has got smaller. Yes, there is a quite wide additional information in the HEX data field, but it, unfortunately, is not decrypted.


../F5 basic menu


../F5/F1 Status Analog Lessen



This is not the best menu for analyzing the basic data. The data of the temperature sensors are not pronounced in oC; the required opening of the throttle – inaccurate.


Here, in the continuation of the menu, the real opening of the throttle is visible, but it is not clear if it accurately corresponds the required one.



Here we see other tricks. For example, Zustand Lambdaregulung is a status of the engine performance mode status:
0: Lambda probes are not warmed/open loop;
1: Lambda probes are warmed/open loop;
2: closed-loop/Homogeneous mode;
3: Stratified charge.
In the menu, the Rail pressure can be seen, unfortunately, the required Rail pressure and PWM of HPFP valve can not be seen.

In the bottom part of the menu voltages of all probes can be seen, unfortunately, the chemical efficiency (Nernst resistance) can not be seen.



Menu, which doesn’t deserve special comments. We have to conclude, that the excellent F6 menu, which was available for MSD80, is missing – but it would very necessary. It was indicating all necessary temperatures, LPFP and HPFP pressures, Nernsts resistances of all probes.



Data of the oil sensor.


../F5/F2 Status Digital Lessen

These submenus have no special functional differences from MSD80, but I will show you for you to see, what amount of data is displayed by INPA











The required and true positions of the camshaft are gone from the VANOS menu. Good news – these data can still be found in the corresponding test block.







Reall usable data – as for MSD80



Also this IBS part: a copy of MSD80



IBS sleeping data







