This time in the part of Expert mode – two tests at the same time. Both are connected to the engine oiling system.
Oil level test block.
Live data example:
I don’t understand the meaning of this test module. The car has one (and only one) sensor, which measures the oil level. If this sensor is damaged, it has to be replaced. But maybe this test block means that other hubs also have problems, which can result in incorrect oil level indications, possible? According to the available data, it could be: driving speed, engine temperature? I think not.
In contrast, the parameters, which are connected with the oil level sensor itself:
a. oil sensor work mode;
b. oil sensor status;
c. status bit of data unavailability;
d. oil level correction, mm;
e. unlinearized value of the oil level, mm;
f. system status error;
g. the confirmed value of the oil level.
Looking at all these data, I have some basic questions:
a. what do the modes/statuses without description give to me as a diagnostics specialist?
b. what does this all information of values give to me as a diagnostics specialist? Is it a hint that the sensor can perform so poorly that I should have to drive for a long time (because the oil measuring is a long process) and analyze the live data, to make a decision… The decision about what? To replace the sensor? To replace the engine? To replace the car? Sorry for the sarcasm.
In my opinion, this menu would work for the engineers during the period of software “polishing”, but it is completely irrelevant for the diagnostics!
Second test block: oil pressure.
Live data example, idle:
This test block is already worthy. For the sale of justice, I have to admit that already, for the N53/N54, the oil pressure problems were sporadic (instead of N43, for which it was quite common). So – we can hope that the B58 will have this problem even rarer – its oil pump is upgraded. Max oil pressure has been increased to 10+ bar!
It is interesting that instead of easy to perceive values: required and true oil pressures – there is an oil pressure regulator Proportional/Integral/Differential part. And, as usually – no description!
From more easily understandable things – PWM data of oil pressure regulator.
From the exotic – also the data of the DSC module regarding the position of the vehicle against the horizon are available. Yes, they are useful to ensure that the problems don’t start when the car, for example, drives in the mountain. Here I have to admit that in this complex, the data regarding the car’s acceleration are not present. They have to be calculated from Driving speed change indications.
Here, the menu for the low load conditions:
And menu data for partial load (even driving) conditions:
As we see, the PWM of the pump valve practically hasn’t changed; it is stable by the mark of 60%. Also, Proportional/Differential values keep around 0.
Menu data in changing driving conditions.
The oil pump is potent! Even when the required oil pressure grows swiftly, the PWM of the management valve slightly changes only for a short moment (tens of the second). In the menu, we can clearly see:
a. reduced PWM value: the valves are closing; flow rate and pressure of the pump is growing;
b. PWM increases, the valve opens, reducing the flow rate and pressure of the pump.
Yes, in this regard – no changes since N43/N53 and similar engines.
Interestingly, the Differential (red, Bold) variable value grows at the moment when the “leftover” of oil pressure/flow creates, but Proportional (blue, Bold) increases at the moment when the required pressure grows quickly (and the pump is a little “late”). In any way – discrepancies of the required and measured pressure are only tenths of the second.