The Spring of 2022 brings shocking news for all owners of N43/N53 series engines – prices of separate spare parts have increased several times! This time, the rise of the costs for precious metals could be to blame and their deficiency worldwide. It is possible that the fact that just has passed 10 years since the manufacture of N43/N53 in the E series, the manufacturer is no more obliged to maintain the nomenclature of the spare parts. Accordingly, the manufacturer can not produce the items that are not profitable to make but sell out the leftovers for cosmic prices.
This time, a drastic price increase in the entire exhaust system of these cars:
a. price of the NOx catalytic converters has raised from EUR 1500 .. 2000 to EUR 5000 .. 7000;
b. prices of the CO catalytic converters have increased around 2,5 times; for example, the price of a set of CO catalytic converters for the N53 series engine has increased from EUR 1600 .. 1800 to EUR 4000 .. 5000;
c. the price increase of the NOx sensors has the smallest increase, but still – from about EUR 400, it has raised to EUR 550 .. 600.
And, as you remember, during 2021, the prices of the injectors for these engines have risen from EUR 270 .. 300 to EUR 530 .. 560, and they are still in deficiency all around the world (on 23.05.2022, the backorder is around 19’000 units).
a. the car should be maintained to the best possible technical order; solve all problems of injectors, fuel mixture, and the NOx system ASAP. As you understand – if the CO catalytic converters are damaged, the expenses will get rough;
b. NOXEM now saves not EUR 2000, but around three times more, around EUR 6000!
c. the price of the NOXEM now is even more pleasant than the OEM NOx sensor! This also could delight BMW users.