Quite regularly, I check the news of different electronic products. Accidentally I found a tablet oscilloscope. This product can be bought by the following names:

Yeapook ADS1013D
It is possible that these are not the only options.

Why I paid attention to this oscilloscope?
Datasheet (which is similar to all “releases” of the oscilloscope) of the “manufacturers” (actually – repackers) claims that:
a. the oscilloscope can display around 11.000 waveforms/sec – this thou appears only in one advertisement description, obviously – wrong info;
b. the oscilloscope can store 11’000 images.
At the first moment, I thought that storing 11’000 images corresponds to some 8M points memory, but – no, it is the only option to store jpg files.
Actually, the memory depth is 240K… points? B? bit? In each of the advertising descriptions, different measurements are figured. But, if we assume that these are B or Points – this indication is not hopeless, so I continued exploring.
Note: on the oscilloscope body, the data are the following:
a. Memory depth: 240Kbit (so around 10K points);
b. memory for the image storing: 1000 screens (not 11.000);
c. indicated sample rate1Gs – also complete lies: the true sample rate is 5 .. 10 times lower.
I tried to find the webpage of the original manufacturer and more exact information regarding the product. Hopeless.
The only thing left – read the feedback of buyers and watch reviews on YouTube.
A good video to evaluate this product:

It’s funny that on the packaging, a bold writing “Table oscilloscope” can be found. Most probably, someone missed lat T – it should be “tablet”.
Short summary, what expects you when you are purchasing such oscilloscope:
a. undocumented menus and features; undocumented settings – you can waste a lot of time trying to understand why the oscilloscope is performing strange or is not performing at all;
b. minimal documentation – electronically not available at all;
c. no technical support, no software upgrade;
d. time of battery – 3 .. 5 times shorter than claimed;
e. frequency band – significantly (3 .. 5 times) worse than indicated;
f. the true refresh rate of the image pathetic – 1.. 2 times a second, significant delay can be noticed;
g. high noise floor when working with large signals;
h. volatile performance of the trigger, very often it is not synchronizing at all;
i. incorrect refresh of the screen – at first, the image according to trigger point is rewritten – at the moment the screen displays incorrect signal;
j. the screen freezes often, and there are many software errors;
k. there are no tools to see the memory, no brightness gradation, no InfiniView; waveforms/sec indication is close to 0;
l. specific problems, for example, the battery should be kept fully loaded; otherwise, the oscilloscope is not starting at all, etc.
This is when I don’t suggest purchasing such a product, not for 150 .. 200 EUR, not even for 15 .. 20 EUR. The oscilloscope, which you can not trust, has no value!