F8 is reserved for deleting of adaptations. Adaptations are divided in two groups.
F8/F1. Adaptations of first group.
F8/F2. Adaptations of second group. Note: clearing all 2nd group (Shift + F9) of adaptations also clears data regarding poisoning level of NOx catalytic converter.
F9 is reserved for test blocks.
F9/F1. Test block intends manual choice of injection mode, also indication of required and confirmed mode. Note: Homogeneous lean and Stratified charge are turned on, only if they are allowed. Separate software releases require additional increasing of RPM above 1200. More about injection modes.
F9/F2. Test block for switching off of separate cylinders. Testing cold engine injectors.
Attention: cylinders marked in firing order!
F9/F3. Test block for testing of Lambda probes.
Correct values (after test) for wide-band probes: 0.9/1.1
Correct values (after test) for narrow-band probes: <0.1/>0.8V
More about management of Lambda probes head here, hidden defects described here.
F9/F4. Test block for idle run control.
F9/F5. Test block for fuel tank ventilation system.
F9/F6. Module for changing the speed settings depending on the mode in idle run (AC switched on, increased battery discharge, e.t.c.).
F9/F7. Test block for fuel tank leakage module (for vehicles with USA configuration).
F9/F8. Test module for throttle valve.
F9/F9. Test module for oil pressure control and regulation. More about oil pressure.
F9/Shift + F1. Test module for generator.
F9/Shift + F2. Module for Standby power leakage measurements.
F9/Shift + F3. Test module for desulphation of NOx catalytic converter. Displayed: exhaust temperature, calculated pollution of catalytic converter with sulfur, required Lambda reference values for each of banks. More about NOx converter.
F9/Shift + F4. Offset and multiplicative corrections (coding data) of injectors.
F9/Shift + F5.
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