The owner of the vehicle with N53 approached me. He has bought a set of 6 injectors for his car, but when they were installed, the problems started. The parameters of the two injectors were as follows:  

571 700 and 571 757? Could it be that the owner of the car has misread the data?

Such encoding data are not plausible/reliable because, as we see on INPA, the max allowed value is much lower: 286 (2.86 mg/stk).

The owner of the vehicle also sent me the image of the injector: 

Yes, really – the encoding data of the injector is precisely like that. The car owner has approached several international BMW internet forums, but, unfortunately, his questions were not answered. 

I will fix this situation. 

Pay attention to these parts of the injector: 

Another QR code field has appeared on the injector. There are visible damages to the mechanical parts. It’s interesting what kind of instruments have been used to “process” the injector if the parts are damaged! But the most important, which has to be remembered: injectors of the 11th release have never been in the black body! This is even explicitly indicated by BMW – the injector’s body should be brownish. Only some injectors of earlier releases were available in the black body, made 11+ years ago. These old (black) injectors were replaced by BMW free of charge during the recall program. 

Obviously, this is either a “renaissance” of the old injectors, simply repainting marking, or a complete fake.

Shortly regarding incorrect encoding parameter. This parameter indicates the injected amount of the injector in the range of short opening. 700 (7.00 mg/stk) shows that the injector injects 3 times more fuel than the manufacturer’s standards! Such an injector in no way can work even partially correct!

It is no surprise that when trying to input these data with INPA (ISTA will not allow to even input it), the error message immediately will appear in the DME error message memory: 

30BE Injector, calibration: plausibility

The owner of the vehicle has purchased these injectors via eBay. Name of the seller: DieselFixNeuss

Let’s see what we can find out about this seller!


This is a company that refurbishes injectors. To the injectors’ images, images of different injector testing equipment are also added. Look’s solid! 100% positive feedback – impressive! And, this time, it really looks like the buyers are real persons, and the deals of several hundred are not fakes. 

Unfortunately, this current case indicates that the buyer has bought complete crap. He has purchased 5 of 6 injectors with black bodies (so – either 11+ old injectors of first releases or even Chinese fakes), 2 of them – with completely incorrect parameters. Obviously, this refurbisher of the injectors doesn’t even know what the parameters and their scattering of these injectors could be. We come back to the old story – you can have the most sophisticated and powerful equipment, but in the hands of the know-nothing, it will give NOTHING.

Note: not without reason, BMW replaced the injector of old releases with new/upgraded ones! Obviously, in real-life conditions (high temperatures), they failed – for example, they got stuck in open conditions. Of course, the in-room and lab conditions (at least initially) parameters of these old injectors were correct. Accordingly – these injectors of the first releases can not be used (not even looking at their solid age, unknown wear, “refurbishing” experience) even if their encoding data are correct! 

When checking the seller’s offer, we see that he has 48 pieces of such injectors, each of which costs EUR 250. In the description (French), these injectors are for diesel engines. It is possible that the seller can “pick” them in some kind of diesel engine, but in N43/N53 series engines, they will not work! 

This time – EUR 1200 wasted.

Even more exciting information from sunny Spain: on January 24, 2022, one of Spain’s BMW dealers has sold to a customer for big money (I remind you – the actual list price is EUR 580/piece) 6 injectors as if directly from the BMW warehouse in Germany. A logical question arises – what kind of injectors were sold to the customer, and who “earned” money? I got in touch with BMW, who confirmed: that since Q3, 2021, NONE injector of this model has appeared in their warehouse (even those 630 injectors, who are promised to the most demanding customers, have not reached the warehouse).

p.s. accordingly to the data on injectors body, this injector was manufactured in 57(!) October of 2012.