The recommendation applies to N43/N53 series engines installed in E and F series vehicles in the case when the vehicle is equipped with an OEM NOx sensor, and the NOx system is in working condition.
If you use INPA to clear old adaptations of DME, the contamination of the NOx catalytic converter is also deleted. Deleting of the contamination (not performing a real desulfation session) is harmful to the performance of the NOx catalytic converter and can reduce the true efficiency of it, and also be the cause of the error message regarding the insufficient performance of the NOx catalytic converter.
If you use INPA to clear adaptations, the desulfation session of the NOx catalytic converter is required before this procedure. Make sure the catalytic converter is successfully cleaned!
If for some reason the desulfation session is not possible, we recommend to act in the following way:
- delete the old DME adaptations, using ISTA D/+;
- create new adaptations, using INPA.
ISTA D/+ does not delete the contamination data of the NOx catalytic converter. Instead, INPA allows to control the status of the flywheel adaptations and also follow to a range of other parameters, relateded to a fuel mixture, which is not available in ISTA D/+. The combination mentioned above is the most efficient in the re-adaptation of these engines.