Attention! This procedure is intended to restore Stratified charge in cases if the NOx catalytic converter is contaminated, but there is no possibility to perform a real desulfation (cleaning) session and the car has NOXEM installed.
If the car has an OEM NOx sensor installed, this procedure is not desirable – positive results will be reached only with real desulfation sessions.
Required: INPA for F series; MSD87 loader for N54, version 3.700
1. Connect the data cable or iCOM to the car, turn on INPA, choose MSD87 for N54
2. In the Main menu, choose Service modules, pressing F6
3. In the Service modules menu, choose to delete of the adaptations, pressing F3
4. Choose the 2-nd group
5. Press F6: delete all adaptations (status: Engine OFF, Ignition ON)
6. Open menu of the NOx catalytic converter ../F6/F2/F5
make sure, that the contamination of the NOx catalytic converter is 0mg.
If the contamination of the NOx catalytic converter is deleted successfully:
7. open Rough run menu ../F5/F7. Learnbit has to be uncolored
Create the flywheel adaptations:
8. drive with a car with speed 100 .. 120km/h on even road
9. shift to the 4-th gear
10. slow down the car with an engine, not pressing the brake pedal, till the INPA menu learnbit becomes colored (black)
11. if the learnbit is not colored until when the sped drops to 40 .. 50km/h, repeat points 8 .. 10
When the flywheel adaptations are created (learnbit is colored)
12. switch off and switch on Ignition and the engine
13. leave the car in idle for 3 .. 5 minutes
14. drive with a car with a speed of 50 .. 90km/h for 3 .. 5 minutes
15. repeat points 13 and 14 for 3 .. 5 times
Evaluate created Fuel adaptation ../F5/F6, check error list ../F4/F1.
If the error list is empty, adaptations – correct, the creation of initial adaptations can be considered as finished.