1. When starting a session with ISTA D/ISTA +, basic data of car does not appear on the computer screen, they must be entered manually. Menus relating NOx sensor and NOx converter are not accessible.
The reason: communication problems between ISTA D/ISTA + and the car. Typical problems with OBD / USB host or ICOM IP address and port settings. Contact interface vendors to resolve the issue. If communication between the car and ISTA D/ISTA + is established, the car’s basic data will be read from the car.
2. After confirmation of deleting the adaptations (by pressing ‘Continue’ after the warning ‘Adaptation values will now be reset’), the message ‘Could NOT reset adaptation values’ appears.
The reason: the condition ‘Ignition ON’ is not met, see p.3
3. How to comply with ‘Ignition ON’? – my car does not have an ignition key, it is equipped with the Start / Stop button.
To activate ‘Ignition ON’ mode:
- insert the key into the slot;
- do not press any pedal (no clutch, no brake pedal);
- press the ‘Start / Stop’ button several times while all the indicators (ABS / DSC, SRS, etc.) light up in the KOMBI.
4. After confirmation of deleting the adaptations (by pressing ‘Continue’ after the warning ‘Adaptation values will now be reset’), the message ‘Switch off Terminal 15 and terminal R’ appears.
Action required:
- switch off the ignition;
- remove the key from the slot;
- wait for further instructions.
Communication with INPA breaks regularly.
Cause: Incorrect latency setting.
- Connect OBD/USB cable
- Open: Control panel / Device manager
- Select: Ports (LPT and COM)
- Select: USB serial Port (COM X)
- Enter sub-menu: Port settings / Advanced
- Set Latency time to: 1 msec*
- Press OK, confirm changes
*(default value: 16 msec)
a) close all realtime applications (Messenger, Skype, etc.);
b) disable Internet connection (both LAN and WiFi options);
c) temporarily stop all service procedures (Windows upgrade, HDD check-up, etc).