send us basic information about your car:
- model: 523i/525i/530i;
- mileage
- short description of the problem
Note: INPA for F series, MSD87 loader 3.700 required.
- warm-up engine till working temperature* (at least 90 oC, can be monitored at: ../F5/F1/F2 using INPA),
- drive at least few km with speed at least 20km/h,
- stop the car (don’t switch off the engine) and make following screenshots at idle.
- ../F4/F1 [errors, Main list, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
- ../F4/F3 [errors, History list, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the list]
- ../F5/F4 [VANOS]
- ..F5/F5/F2 [IBS/Battery data]
- ../F5/F5/F3 [IBS/Battery data]
- ../F5/F1/F1 [basic parameters of engine, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F5/F1/F2 [basic parameters of engine, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F5/F1/Shift+F1 [oil sensor]
- ../F5/F6 [fuel mixture, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F5/F7 [rough run menu]
- ../F5/F9 [injectors live data/idle, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F5/Shift+F3 [injectors tests/partial load, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F6/F2/F5 [NOx converter menu]
Switch off engine, then turn on again, wait at least 30 seconds (don’t press accelerator pedal)**
- ../F5/F6 [fuel mixture, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
- ../F5/F7 [rough run menu]
- ../F5/F9 [injectors live data/idle, + don’t forget scroll down till the end of the menu]
Send us the video of a cold start:
a) connect INPA; turn ON the ignition; open ../F5/F1/F2 (basic parameters of the engine) menu;
b) start the engine;
c) open ../F5/F6 (fuel mixture) for 3 .. 5 seconds;
d) open ../F5/F7 (Rough run data) for 3 .. 5 seconds;
e) open ../F5/F9 (injectors data) for 3 .. 5 seconds (scroll down till the end of the menu);
f) repeat points c .. e 5 .. 10 times.
If you have a feeling, that DME permanently disconnects some of the cylinders:
a) turn off the engine;
b) turn on the engine repeatedly.
When starting the engine repeatedly, DME will try to turn on all cylinders. Continue with a recording of Fuel mixture and Rough run data menu.
If necessary, start the engine again and again after some time (if DME turns off any of the cylinders).
The recorded video has to be at least 2 .. 3 minutes long.
*temperature of the engine:
**guaranteed Homogeneous injection mode