Here, in the image – oil pressure sensor, which is used in N43/N53 series engines.

This sensor is not a “simple” switch. This sensor measures the oil pressure and sends an accurate value to DME.


If you would take a more close look, you will see two tiny opening – they are necessary for the pressure measuring membrane to “sense” the reference/ambient pressure.

But due to these opening, the sensor becomes very sensitive to the impact of the surrounding. Accordingly, we have to take into account – the sensor has to be clean, it can not be in oil or wetness. While cleaning the engine compartment, be careful – water, cleaning agents and even high-pressure air (if the compressor is used) can damage the sensor!


At the second part of the entry, I will explain, how the MSD80 acts, if it detects problems with oil pressure. Fuel mixture (../F5/F6) data shows, that MSD immediately equalizes offset type LTFT of both banks:

Also, multiplicative type LTFT adaptations are not restored correctly.


Learnbits (../F5/Shift+F6/F2) confirm, that following adaptations are not completed:

a) additional Lambda adaptations of the banks for the cold engine;

b) Lambda of Stratified charge is not getting adapted to the partial load;

c) also the individual cylinder’s adaptations for partial load are not getting completed.

Here, the additional adaptations of the banks in different temperatures (../F5/Shift+F6/F3) confirm, that the adaptations for a partially warm engine are stopped.

Yes, the engine uses Stratified charge, evens the mechanical efficiency of cylinders in idle in Homogeneous mode and also measures the injectors in Stratified charge mode both in idle and in partial load. But – as you see for all mentioned before – the most part of the functionality is disconnected.


MSD acts in a similar way also in case if there are the error messages regarding the water pump, fuel pressure (LPFP/HPFP is not able to maintain the pressure; the error messages regarding fuel pressure sensors, etc.).