It was in the middle of the first decade of the 21-st century. After long years of work, BMW finally revealed their first family of direct injection engines – N43 & N53. Later than several other giants of automotive industry, who were using the engine of this principle of work since the beginning of the century, BMW introduced their direct injection elaboration in series E81/82; E90/91/92; E60/61 LCI, E63/64, continued it’s used E87/88; F10/11; F18.

These are one of the most controversial engines in BMW history. Their performance is unique – close to 100 hp/l, full torque already from 1300 RPM, very low fuel consumption (at least for first 50’000 .. 100’000 km), with instant reaction (even comparing with other atmospheric engines). At the same time – worst nightmare for its user. Even those, who are driving other type BMW engines, have heard horror stories regarding high-pressure pump, ignition coils and never-ending story of changing them because of shaking engine – uneven running while the engine is “cold” or in working temperature, or in both cases. And, of course, all of this and other troubles are happening, when you are far away from your service center or workshop.

In this blog, I will gather information and also share my experience, which can be helpful for every user of BMW N43/N53 and also for other types of modern petrol engines. Here you will find information:

  • why N43/N53/N54 “shakes” and how to solve this problem;
  • technical nuances, which are not “favorite subject” for BMW and about what the service centers are not informed (at least according to their allegations).

Following instructions described in this blog, you will be able to “bring in order” your direct injection petrol engine. It’s possible, that after that you will wont to “have a talk” with your service center or workshop, who was repairing your BMW till now. Well, knowledge costs…

And now the harsh reality: 99% of N43/N53 engines actually perform in emergency mode. No? Unfortunately – YES…

Why does nobody talk about it? Because of the costs of bringing the engine back to normal performance mode cost over EUR 3000 .. 4000 (using maximum available discounts etc.). The service life for current parts is 50’000 .. 100’000 km. If you drive a lot, your investment will be approximately EUR 4000 only to keep the engine in normal performance mode. Good news – in the Year 2017 it will change for the better. Stay tuned!


P.S. When I purchased (wittingly) my N53, I started to look for the service center, who could offer professional maintenance for my vehicle. I called ~20 different service centers in my region, who are specialized (officially/unofficially) in BMW.

I have to bring my respect to the dealer, who honestly said, that they can not manage the maintenance of such complicated engine. They suggested calling a private specialist Andrey. Mr. Andrey explained to me, that he will not repair “that piece of crap” and suggested to sell this car and buy a “diesel M57”. Most of the other service centers “explained” the same, adding also some uncensored vocabulary. Most constructive suggestion – before we talk further, let’s change all injectors, spark plugs, ignition coils. Costs – approximately EUR 2500. Of course, no warranty – C’mon, it’s BMW N53, what kind of warranty you want???

My acquaintance Peter, which is the most competent person I know, honestly admitted, that he can’t promise any “wonders”. Yes, it is possible to shift Lambda probes between banks, change spark plugs and ignition coils, do the follow-up of error reading, if the errors will “follow” the current part. But – normal performance can be guaranteed only after a change of everything: coils, plugs, injectors, 4 Lambda probes, 2 CO catalytic converters, NOx catalytic converter, NOx sensor. Costs – approximately EUR 8000.

Well, make your own conclusions…


Related entries:

Rough run. Trim errors. Hidden cause

Stratified charge performance check

Ignition coils. Overvoltage problems